There are a few things to keep in mind when you are beginning or have been doing a fitness program.

You should stay hydrated, it’s also important to keep hydrated during a workout. Hydration affects your body’s energy levels and, without the right amount of water, your workout will be affected, as your body won’t be able to function as well as it can when fully hydrated. So drink sips throughout your workout. Water also regulates your body temperature and heart rate. Because of perspiration, you lose a huge amount of water during a workout, so it’s important to drink plenty of water before and after exercising.

Don’t skip your rest days. If you work out too much then it can actually take longer for you to see results. When you lift weights you are making tiny tears in your muscles, this is the process of tearing down so you can build it up, and when you rest, your body repairs the muscle and rebuilds it stronger than before, so rest days are vital. And getting good sleep is critical also. Dr Oz mentions that you should get 8 hours of sleep a night. By missing rest days you can actually make yourself more prone to injury too, because, if you aren’t giving your muscles the sufficient amount of time to recover, then they are susceptible to injury.

 Abs are made in the kitchen, this is so true. I have found that if you change your micros to be 50% protein 25% carbs and 25% fats then you can get your abs to show more. If you are looking to shed fat faster you should do HIIT training and the 50/25/25.

Don’t compete; this is hard because I love to win. I have been wearing a fitbit for several months and I had to stop looking at what my friends were doing because I was driving myself crazy trying to keep up or do better than they were doing.  So stop or you could injure yourself or get frustrated and fall off track of your goals.

If you are not seeing any changes, then it is time for a change. Yes do a different workout, change up your weights or cardio. If you are not being challenged you are not going to see any changes.

Have a great day.

Coach Tracy