Goals, DO you really know how to set your goals and how to follow through with them? I will help you get your goals set and I will help you with giving you the tools to help you follow through. But you really have to be the strong one here I can’t be at your house or follow you around to make sure you are sticking to the plan. SO are you ready? Let’s do this!

The first thing is to create a foundation, with a strong foundation you can build anything. A house with a strong foundation will last forever with the proper maintenance.

Challenge that inner voice yes I said it challenge yourself. Every day we have our inner voice talking to us. Our inner voice tells us to eat that taco bell or to choose the healthy route. Our inner voice talks us into exercising or tells us to sit on the couch. So what we need to do is get our inner voice on the positive side and on the right track. First we are going to make a list of what we want to accomplish. Sounds simple right? Yes get the voice out of your head that says; “you are fat” Because you do have the voice that is encouraging. Once you decide to succeed you will knock out the negative voice.

Next you have to ditch the dieter’s mentality. To succeed you have to give up the mentality that you are on a diet. There is not a diet out there that really works. True I post about the 7 day diet challenge but those are designed to teach you how to eat healthy and to cut calories. It’s a lifestyle change. You have to change your eating habits and control your portions. There are no diet pills or juices that are the answer to weight loss. True there are people that lose weight with those gimmicks. Because one they are cutting calories and moving their bodies more while taking this new expensive urine. So stop thinking there is a magic cure to being skinny. You have to drop the diet mentality and start thinking healthy choices. Don’t think that Pizza or white rice is bad for you because it is not. There are ways to make those foods without the extra carbs and calories. Also don’t feel that you have to stay away from all those foods either. You have to eat things in moderation. Goals have to be set on everything like the goal of how many calories you are going to eat per day to lose weight or the goal of how much you are going to work out. I use an app on my phone that is called my fitness pal to log my meals so I can keep track of my goal of calories for the day. It is free and very helpful.  I do this because I have decided to succeed and follow through on my goals.

Define what matters to you the most, what are your priorities? Select ones that are a good fit in your life. We will call these your life priorities. These are the goals that have to be worked on to make life happy. Now health and fitness are not life goals that should be your life style. And when you change your life priorities you change your life style. So take out a piece of paper and write down your priorities. Here is a list of questions you can ask yourself.

1.       What is important to you?

2.        What are your values?

3.        What gives you joy and happiness?

4.        What gives you pride?

5.       What do you want to see change?

When you understand these things you will be able to understand your life style and organize the priorities.

 Once you get this list of priorities you need to break them down. What is your number one priority, second and third and fourth? Once you have them listed write out beside them the reason you placed them in that order. Next out beside them again write how you are going to honor that priority what actions and commitments are you going to take to make sure you get that priority in action? Do you see what changes you are going to have to make?

Now this is your foundation list. Your next list will be the writing of 10 goals once each week. Your goals should have at least one health and fitness goal in mind and you should be thinking about your foundation. Here is a list that will help you create your list.

1. They should weave with your priorities.

2. Personal and related to your work, professional

3. You should also be taken out of your comfort zone; rip the band aid off is what my coach tells me.

4. Think ahead, in the next year you would like to see what happen?

5. When writing your goals don’t write them as you are looking to the future, write them as you already have that goal.

6. Create goals that will push you, make them tough.

7. Always include a goal that will make you money.

When I lived in Las Vegas one of my co-workers told me to write out exactly what I wanted in life and to be specific about every detail. So yes be specific as to every detail. Like if you want a new house put down exactly what that new house should look like down to the color of the curtains.

Because when you write it down it creates scar in your brain. And that makes you work towards your that goal subconsciously.

 I hope that this gives you a good start to goal setting.

Have great day.

Coach Tracy