What is Coaching
Basics of Coaching
Here are the basics... As you know, BB is a HIGHLY reputable company w/products featured on news media, in magazines, on talk shows, used by celeb's, etc. 25% commissions on any sales from your site whether you've ever bought or sold anything or not. No pressure to make sales or increase to a rank. If you WANT to work it great, if not or not right now, that's cool too… enjoy the discounts! Team Cycle Bonus, paid weekly, if you decide to build a team. 25% discounts on all products and programs. First access to all new products and programs. Free trainings, webinars, conference calls you can attend if you want to learn to be successful. I'd be your mentor, so any questions/struggles you have, I'm here to help! No stocking of product, or shipping products, or dealing with customer service issues. No need for home parties (unless you want to, but that's not necessary). A HUGE support system from other coaches online!! You will feel like you have a whole new family! Start-up is just *$39.95 and then you pay $15.95/month as a website fee (you get 3 websites for that, plus an online office & access to Success on Demand) *This fee can be waived, I can tell you how. Incentive programs to get customers assigned to you. You can cancel at any time… no obligation to stay in or penalty fees or anything like that.